Dharma MahaSammelan | 25th, 26th, & 27th October 2024: Spiritual Elevation and Global Unity
Revered PP Dada’s spiritual discourses inspired Margiis worldwide on the true path of devotion, emphasizing dedication as the essence of Bhakti. The MahaSammelan featured blissful kiirtan, collective meditation, devotional Prabhat Samgiita, and vibrant RAWA performances, creating a powerful atmosphere of positive microvita and spiritual growth for all attendees.
पुरोधा प्रमुख आचार्य विश्वदेवानंद अवधूत ने कहा कि भक्ति में ही निहीत है सर्वशक्ति। लेकिन इसका आनंद कुछ ही लोग उठा पाते हैं। परमपुरूष की प्रसन्न करना ही भक्ति है। साधकों के लिए परमपुरूष ही ईस्ट देव यानि सद्गुरू होते हैं। सद्गुरू बाबा है। उन्होंने कहा कि बाबा से जुड़ने के लिए भजन-कीर्तन किया गया है। लेकिन इससे पहले मानव को आनंदमार्ग में बाबामार्गी बनना होगा। फिर कर्मयोगी बने। बिना कर्मयोगी बने आप भक्ति का आनंद नहीं ले सकते और न ही सदुगुरू यानि बाबा (ईष्ट देव ) को प्रसन्न कर सकते हैं। उन्होंने कहा कि कर्मयोगी वही बन सकता है, जिनका दिल और दिमाग में बाबा ही बाबा हो। अपने हर इच्छाओं को त्यागकर बाबा के प्रति समर्पित हो जाय। तभी सच्ची भक्ति होगी।
विदेशी आनंदमार्गी व समर्थकों ने बताया कि आनंदमार्ग मिशन अन्य धर्मो से अलग है। यह महिलाओं को पुरूष के बराबर हर क्षेत्र में सम्मान देता है। सेवा करने से मन पवित्र होता है। शिक्षा और सेवा तथा बाबा का आध्यात्मिक दर्शन पूरे विश्व में एक लौ की तरह जल रहा है। बाबा दुनिया के सैकड़ों भाषाओं के ज्ञानी थे। जबकि वे किसी डिक्शनरी को न देखा और न ही वहां गये, बावजूद इसके जो शिष्य आते थे वे उनके भाषा में ही बातें करने लगते थे। उन्होंने कहा कि बाबा के आदर्श और विचार में मानव कल्याण से प्रेरित है। उनके स्मरण मात्र से ही कष्ट दूर हो जाते है। बाबा के धर्ममहासम्मेलन में शामिल होने पर शांति व समृद्धि प्राप्त होती है। आनंदमार्गी के सेवा कार्य से प्रभावित होकर बीते कई वर्षो से जुड़े हैं।
RAWA groups from Jamalpur, Bhagalpur, Deoghar, Kosi Unit, and Gaya presented enchanting performances, showcasing cultural diversity and artistry, which captivated the audience.
Revered PP Dada honored AMPS cadres for outstanding Pracar efforts, inspiring further dedication to Ananda Marga’s mission. Enthralling Tandava and Kaosikii dance competitions showcased Margiis’ commitment to yogic practices and culture. Newlywed RM couples received blessings from PP Dada, marking an auspicious beginning to their married life within the Ananda Marga family.
The Central Committee delivered an inspiring address to Bhukti Pradhans, LFTs, Tatvikas, and all Margiis, focusing on the path of Ananda Marga Pracar works and Dharma Pracar unit growth.
जमालपुर में विश्वस्तरीय आध्यात्मिक, दार्शनिक और सेवा मूलक केंद्र बहुत जल्द स्थापित होगा। इसके लिए आनंदमार्ग प्रचार संघ, केंद्रीय कमेटी ने बाबा नगर में 55 एकड़ जमीन की खरीदारी कर ली है तथा 45 एकड़ और जमीन खरीदी जाएगी। ताकि 100 एकड़ जमीन पर विश्वस्तरीय हॉस्पीटल, यूनिवर्सिटी, कृषि उत्थान, पर्यावरण संरक्षण, मल्टीपल सेवा मूलक कार्य किया जा सके। महासम्मेलन में आचार्य विश्वदेवानंद अवधूत ने कहा कि इसके लिए चीन, रूस, अमेरिका, फ्रांस, ताइवान सहित अन्य देशों के इंजीनियर्स द्वारा मास्टर प्लान भी तैयार किया जा रहा है। आने वाले दिनों में जमालपुर की बाबा नगरी करीब दो सौ देश के लोगों से सीधा जुड़ जाएगी। बाबा का जन्म और कर्मभूमि को विश्व पटल पर रखने का प्रयास किया जा रहा है। निटकतम भविष्य में बेशक जमालपुर समृद्ध, आध्यात्मिक और दार्शनिक चेतनाओं से ऊर्जावान होता रहेगा।
Special sessions were held for students and youths with Revered PP Dada, fostering discussions on leadership, personal growth, and community responsibility within Ananda Marga.
The event received extensive coverage across print and social media platforms, with a live telecast on the Ananda Marga YouTube channel, ensuring that Margiis worldwide could join in virtually.
Revered Spiritual Gathering at Baba’s Birthplace Babanagar Jamalpur from 1st March 2024 to 3rd March 2024
Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha held a global-scale spiritual gathering, the Historical Dharma MahaSammelan, at the spiritually elevated place Jamalpur. The event saw an international influx of Margiis and Wholetimers from various countries, fostering a vibrant spiritual environment.
During the DMS at Anandanagar, the schedule included spiritual discourses led by Reverend Purodha Pramukh Acarya Viswadevanand Avadhuta in both morning and evening sessions. The event featured a Rawa Cultural evening with the great message through dance, act and Prabhat Samgiita singing, Tandava Kaushikii Competitions, reporting sessions in the presence of PP Dada and the General Secretary of AMPS, Bhukti Pradhan Conference and 72 Hrs Akhand Kiirtan “Baba Nam Kevalam”. Additionally, PP Dada conducted prize distributions for outstanding performers in various categories, including Bhukti Pradhan performers, SDM Kiirtan Mandali, Wholetimers excelling in their fields, and the Tandava Kaushiki competition winners. Furthermore, PP Dada bestowed blessings upon 10 Revolutionary Married Couples during the event.
The Dharma MahaSammelan took place from October 27 to 29, 2023, at Ananda Sambhuti, Baba Nagar, Jamalpur, the birthplace of Ananda Marga’s founder, Mahasambhuti Shrii Shrii Anandamurti Ji. This three-day spiritual gathering proved to be a profound and blissful experience for all attendees.
Amid the serene and natural surroundings of Aunga Bhumi Ananda Sambhuti Master Unit, Babanagar, devotees must have explored the expressions of devotion captured in motion pictures at the DMS Pandal, connected deeply with the spiritual heritage of this sacred place.
Revered Purodha Pramukh Acarya Vishwadevanand Avadhuta delivered divine discourses during morning and evening sessions throughout the three days. Those who missed the live sessions can still benefit from these enlightening talks, as they are available for listening on the Ananda Marga YouTube Channel.
The Bhukti Pradhan Conference 2023 is being held in conjunction with DMS at Babanagar, focusing on the theme of “Empowering Baba’s mission and the structure of AMPS.” The conference emphasizes the use of digital infrastructure and integration to strengthen the ASB base in the sector. It highlights activities related to Sadhana, Seva, and Prachar in Ananda Marga, including Kiirtan, Education, Relief Work, Revolutionary Marriage, Youth Confidence, cadre training programs, and programs at universities and colleges.
The DMS featured an exceptional RAWA Cultural Evening with captivating and devotional dance and music performances inspired by Prabhat Samgiita and the ideology of Ananda Marga. These performances were presented by RAWA participants selected from National Workshops, and the significant contributions of Mrinal Dada and the RAWA Bhagalpur Unit played a key role in making this event memorable. Notably, a thought-provoking street play based on Yama Niyama added a societal dimension to the program.
At the DMS, we witnessed the enchanting Prize Distribution and Newly Weds Blessings given by the revered PP Dada ji. The Tandava Kaushiki Competition showcased remarkable talents, and the top participants were duly recognized and rewarded by PP Dada ji. Awards and certificates were presented to the outstanding participants who excelled in the Yama Niyama Quiz, organized by AMPS Dhanbad under the leadership of Acarya Anandavardhan Brc. Furthermore, participants in the Prabhat Samgiita Festival, spanning the Delhi Sector, received awards and certifications to celebrate their achievements.
The spiritual path of the Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha began in Baba Nagar, Jamalpur (Bihar), and thus its been a great pleasure that the Dharma Pracar Department of the Samgha organized the Dharma Maha Sammelan (DMS) on March 24, 25, and 26, 2023.
The Dharma Mahasammelan was held at the Ananda Sambhuti in Baba Nagar and was attended by a tremendous number of devotees from worldwide. We have received devotees from many parts of the globe in a very significant number.
During DMS, the committee hosted well-organized Sadhana, Pravachan, cultural activities, more appealing meetings, Akhanda Kirtana, etc.