New Year Dharma MahaSammelan 2025 at Anandanagar

January 5, 2025

The Dharma Maha Sammelan on 1st January 2025 was a magnificent event that brought together spiritual seekers and social contributors from across the globe. It was a day of devotion, cultural expression, and recognition of selfless service, organized to inspire a deeper connection to Dharma and the ideals of Ananda Marga. Purodha Pramukh Acarya Vishvadevananda Avadhuta blessed newlywed Revolutionary Married Couples. Wholetimers, LFTs, and Bhukti Pradhans were recognized for outstanding AMPS Prachar work. The event featured Tandava, Kaoshiki, and HPMG Awards organized by Seva Dharma Mission.

AMURT Global: Humanitarian Service and Magazine Launch at New Year DMS 2025

As part of the New Year DMS celebrations, AMURT Global conducted a massive humanitarian initiative at Anandanagar, benefiting over 1,000 needy Narayans from 42 surrounding villages. Essential items such as blankets and food were distributed through Narayan Seva, showcasing the organization’s commitment to selfless service.

In the auspicious presence of Revered PP Dada, AMURT volunteers from across the globe were honored for their tireless dedication to serving humanity. The event also witnessed the grand launch (Vimochan) of the AMURT Global Yearly Magazine by PP Dada and the Central Committee, highlighting the organization’s impactful activities worldwide.

RM Blessings, Awards and Recognitions

Purodha Pramukh Acarya Vishvadevananda Avadhuta blessed newlywed Revolutionary Married Couples. Wholetimers, LFTs, and Bhukti Pradhans were recognized for outstanding AMPS Prachar work. The event featured Tandava, Kaoshiki, and HPMG Awards organized by Seva Dharma Mission.

RAWA Cultural Evening | New Year DMS 2025

  • A unique and blissful evening featuring:
  • Selected performers from RAWA IKON24
  • Talented kids from Gurukul Learning Center, Chitmu, Anandanagar
  • Margiis’ children from various cities
  • Mesmerizing Chau Dance by locals performed in front of PP Dada

Celebrate the spirit of art, culture, and the New Year with us!

DMS in Babanagar Jamalpur

Welcome all devotees in Dharma MahaSammelan at Babanagar, Jamalpur from 7th to 9th March 2025.
It is revered as the sacred birthplace of Tarak Brahma, Reverend Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji. The Dharma Maha Sammelan is organised by Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha. It is frequently organized.
Venue: Ananda Sambhuti, (Baba Nagar)
Amjhar Road, Kolkali, Jamalpur, District Munger, Bihar, Pin 811214.

Dharma MahaSammelan Highlights at Ananda Sambhuti Master Unit, Baba Nagar (Jamalpur)

October 31, 2024

Dharma MahaSammelan | 25th, 26th, & 27th October 2024: Spiritual Elevation and Global Unity
Revered PP Dada’s spiritual discourses inspired Margiis worldwide on the true path of devotion, emphasizing dedication as the essence of Bhakti. The MahaSammelan featured blissful kiirtan, collective meditation, devotional Prabhat Samgiita, and vibrant RAWA performances, creating a powerful atmosphere of positive microvita and spiritual growth for all attendees.

पुरोधा प्रमुख आचार्य विश्वदेवानंद अवधूत ने कहा कि भक्ति में ही निहीत है सर्वशक्ति। लेकिन इसका आनंद कुछ ही लोग उठा पाते हैं। परमपुरूष की प्रसन्न करना ही भक्ति है। साधकों के लिए परमपुरूष ही ईस्ट देव यानि सद्गुरू होते हैं। सद्गुरू बाबा है। उन्होंने कहा कि बाबा से जुड़ने के लिए भजन-कीर्तन किया गया है। लेकिन इससे पहले मानव को आनंदमार्ग में बाबामार्गी बनना होगा। फिर कर्मयोगी बने। बिना कर्मयोगी बने आप भक्ति का आनंद नहीं ले सकते और न ही सदुगुरू यानि बाबा (ईष्ट देव ) को प्रसन्न कर सकते हैं। उन्होंने कहा कि कर्मयोगी वही बन सकता है, जिनका दिल और दिमाग में बाबा ही बाबा हो। अपने हर इच्छाओं को त्यागकर बाबा के प्रति समर्पित हो जाय। तभी सच्ची भक्ति होगी।

विदेशी आनंदमार्गी व समर्थकों ने बताया कि आनंदमार्ग मिशन अन्य धर्मो से अलग है। यह महिलाओं को पुरूष के बराबर हर क्षेत्र में सम्मान देता है। सेवा करने से मन पवित्र होता है। शिक्षा और सेवा तथा बाबा का आध्यात्मिक दर्शन पूरे विश्व में एक लौ की तरह जल रहा है। बाबा दुनिया के सैकड़ों भाषाओं के ज्ञानी थे। जबकि वे किसी डिक्शनरी को न देखा और न ही वहां गये, बावजूद इसके जो शिष्य आते थे वे उनके भाषा में ही बातें करने लगते थे। उन्होंने कहा कि बाबा के आदर्श और विचार में मानव कल्याण से प्रेरित है। उनके स्मरण मात्र से ही कष्ट दूर हो जाते है। बाबा के धर्ममहासम्मेलन में शामिल होने पर शांति व समृद्धि प्राप्त होती है। आनंदमार्गी के सेवा कार्य से प्रभावित होकर बीते कई वर्षो से जुड़े हैं।

Mesmerizing RAWA Cultural Performances

RAWA groups from Jamalpur, Bhagalpur, Deoghar, Kosi Unit, and Gaya presented enchanting performances, showcasing cultural diversity and artistry, which captivated the audience.

Recognition, Competitions, and Blessings

Revered PP Dada honored AMPS cadres for outstanding Pracar efforts, inspiring further dedication to Ananda Marga’s mission. Enthralling Tandava and Kaosikii dance competitions showcased Margiis’ commitment to yogic practices and culture. Newlywed RM couples received blessings from PP Dada, marking an auspicious beginning to their married life within the Ananda Marga family.

72Hrs Akhanda Kiirtan “Baba Nam Kevalam” held during DMS in Babanagar Jamalpur

AMPS Central Committee Address

The Central Committee delivered an inspiring address to Bhukti Pradhans, LFTs, Tatvikas, and all Margiis, focusing on the path of Ananda Marga Pracar works and Dharma Pracar unit growth.

जमालपुर में विश्वस्तरीय आध्यात्मिक, दार्शनिक और सेवा मूलक केंद्र बहुत जल्द स्थापित होगा। इसके लिए आनंदमार्ग प्रचार संघ, केंद्रीय कमेटी ने बाबा नगर में 55 एकड़ जमीन की खरीदारी कर ली है तथा 45 एकड़ और जमीन खरीदी जाएगी। ताकि 100 एकड़ जमीन पर विश्वस्तरीय हॉस्पीटल, यूनिवर्सिटी, कृषि उत्थान, पर्यावरण संरक्षण, मल्टीपल सेवा मूलक कार्य किया जा सके। महासम्मेलन में आचार्य विश्वदेवानंद अवधूत ने कहा कि इसके लिए चीन, रूस, अमेरिका, फ्रांस, ताइवान सहित अन्य देशों के इंजीनियर्स द्वारा मास्टर प्लान भी तैयार किया जा रहा है। आने वाले दिनों में जमालपुर की बाबा नगरी करीब दो सौ देश के लोगों से सीधा जुड़ जाएगी। बाबा का जन्म और कर्मभूमि को विश्व पटल पर रखने का प्रयास किया जा रहा है। निटकतम भविष्य में बेशक जमालपुर समृद्ध, आध्यात्मिक और दार्शनिक चेतनाओं से ऊर्जावान होता रहेगा।

Students and Youths Meeting

Special sessions were held for students and youths with Revered PP Dada, fostering discussions on leadership, personal growth, and community responsibility within Ananda Marga.

Media Coverage and Live Telecast

The event received extensive coverage across print and social media platforms, with a live telecast on the Ananda Marga YouTube channel, ensuring that Margiis worldwide could join in virtually.

Ananda Purnima Dharma MahaSammelan: A Blissful Spiritual Gathering at Anandanagar

June 16, 2024

On the sacred occasion of Ananda Purnima 2024, Dharma MahaSammelan took place at the City of Bliss, Anandanagar. This three-day spiritual gathering proved to be a profound and blissful experience for all attendees. Amid the serene and natural surroundings of Anandnagar, devotees explored the expressions of devotion captured in motion pictures at the DMS Pandal, connecting deeply with the spiritual heritage of this sacred place. On the auspicious occasion of Anand Purnima, all the devotees, brothers and sisters of Baba are welcome to the Dharma Mahasammelan on 7, 8 and 9 June 2024 at Ananda Marga’s World Spiritual Center Ananda Nagar.

“Baba Nam Kevalam is Kiirtana of Harii, those who sings it wholeheartedly, they are more intelligent,” said A’ca’rya Vishwadevananda Avadhuta

Purodha Pramukh Dada mentioned that the continuous Akhand Kiirtan has been going on in Ananda Nagar for the past 700 days. Therefore, whoever comes here should engage in Kiirtan enthusiastically. Kiirtan affects trees, plants, animals, birds, the animate and the inanimate alike, and all derive joy from it. Whoever listens to it will have their mind purified.

Blissful Glimpes from Anandnagar DMS

Prize Distribution and Recognition for the Great Work

During the Ananda Purnima Dharma MahaSammelan at Anandanagar on June 7-9, 2024, Purodha Pramukh Dadaji distributed and honored recipients with awards in various categories:

  1. Best Ananda Marga Works by WTs, LFTs, Bhukti Pradhans, volunteers, and others.
  2. Prizes for Tandava and Kaoshikii competitions organized by Seva Dharma Mission.
  3. Best HPMG (Harii Parimandal Gosthii) for their ongoing participation in the Endless Akhanda Kiirtan in Anandanagar.

Revered Purodha Pramukh Acarya Vishwadevananda Avadhut Dadaji bestowed blessings upon the newly revolutionary married couples who wed according to the Ananda Marga Caryacarya system.

Sarees and Dhoti Distribution in AMURT Bhavan, Anandanagar

Ananda Marga Universal Relief Team (AMURT) distributed sarees and dhotis to needy villagers around Anandanagar during the Ananda Purnima DMS in the City of Bliss. AMURT volunteers were honored with AMURT Global Certificates by Revered Purodha Pramukh Acarya Vishwadevananda Avt. for their dedicated humanitarian service.

Dharma MahaSammelan at Babanagar Jamalpur March 2024

March 10, 2024

Revered Spiritual Gathering at Baba’s Birthplace Babanagar Jamalpur from 1st March 2024 to 3rd March 2024

Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha held a global-scale spiritual gathering, the Historical Dharma MahaSammelan, at the spiritually elevated place Jamalpur. The event saw an international influx of Margiis and Wholetimers from various countries, fostering a vibrant spiritual environment.

Vibrant Activities and Spiritual Insights Mark the DMS

During the DMS at Anandanagar, the schedule included spiritual discourses led by Reverend Purodha Pramukh Acarya Viswadevanand Avadhuta in both morning and evening sessions. The event featured a Rawa Cultural evening with the great message through dance, act and Prabhat Samgiita singing, Tandava Kaushikii Competitions, reporting sessions in the presence of PP Dada and the General Secretary of AMPS, Bhukti Pradhan Conference and 72 Hrs Akhand Kiirtan “Baba Nam Kevalam”. Additionally, PP Dada conducted prize distributions for outstanding performers in various categories, including Bhukti Pradhan performers, SDM Kiirtan Mandali, Wholetimers excelling in their fields, and the Tandava Kaushiki competition winners. Furthermore, PP Dada bestowed blessings upon 10 Revolutionary Married Couples during the event.

Service activities conducted for the needy villagers residing in the vicinity of Ananda Sambhuti Master Unit

DMS Committee has organized delicious meals, which are freely available for all devotees

Newspaper Media Coverage

New Year DMS 2024 held at Ananda Marga’s Headquarter – Anandanagar (The City of Bliss)

January 7, 2024

Anandanagar’s Dharma MahaSammelan: A Spiritual Confluence of Global Proportions

Revered Spiritual Gathering from 30th December 2023 to 1st January 2024

Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha held a global-scale spiritual gathering, the New Year Dharma MahaSammelan, at the serene locale of Anandanagar. The event saw an international influx of Margiis and Wholetimers from various countries, fostering a vibrant spiritual environment.

आनंदनगर आनंदमार्गियो के लिए बैकुंठ के समान है |

श्रद्धेय पुरोधा प्रमुख आचार्य विश्वदेवानंद अवधूत ने अपने प्रथम आध्यात्मिक उद्बोधन में बैकुंठ सर्वोच्च धाम वक्तव्य रखते हुए कहा कि अनेक धामों यथा गंगोत्री यमुनोत्री केदारनाथ धाम है उसी प्रकार एक धाम है बैकुंठ धाम. जहां किसी भी प्रकार की कोई संकोचन ना हो कुंठा ना हो अर्थात जहां किसी भी प्रकार की कोई संकुचित चिंता ना हो। उन्होंने कहा कि यह कुंठाएं मानसिक होती है कुछ विशेष प्रकार की कुंठाएं हैं – हीन मान्यता और महा मान्यता जो परम पुरुष से मनुष्य को अलग रखता है. बैकुंठ मन की वह अवस्था है जहां ना तो हीनमान्यता है और ना ही महामान्यता है यह कहां है? जब परम पुरुष की गोद में पहुंचकर मनुष्य इन कुंठाओं से मुक्त होकर परम आत्मीय ईश्वर प्रेम की अनुभूति लाभ करता है बैकुंठ कहलाता है।

Vibrant Activities and Spiritual Insights Mark the DMS

During the DMS at Anandanagar, the schedule included spiritual discourses led by Reverend Purodha Pramukh Acarya Viswadevanand Avadhuta in both morning and evening sessions. The event featured a Rawa Cultural evening with participants from the RAWA international workshop, Tandava Kaushikii Competitions, reporting sessions in the presence of PP Dada and the General Secretary of AMPS, ongoing Akhand Kiirtan “Baba Nam Kevalam,” and captivating Chau Dance performances. Additionally, PP Dada conducted prize distributions for outstanding performers in various categories, including Bhukti Pradhan performers, SDM Kiirtan Mandali, Wholetimers excelling in their fields, and the Tandava Kaushiki competition winners. Furthermore, PP Dada bestowed blessings upon 20 Revolutionary Married Couples during the event.

Global Participation and Spiritual Rejuvenation

The DMS drew enthusiastic participation from Margiis and Wholetimers worldwide, including attendees from India, Taiwan, Vietnam, Russia, Singapore, Malaysia, Europe, the USA, and numerous other countries. The vibrant ambiance of Anandanagar provided a spiritual recharge to all participants, offering them positive spiritual microvita experiences.

RAWA Cultural Program during New Year DMS at Anandanagar

RAWA International Workshop took place in Anandanagar from December 25th to 29th, 2023, culminating in a final participation on the Global RAWA Platform during the New Year DMS 2024. The event showcased daily performances of the exquisite RAWA Cultural Program and hosted a training camp focusing on the aesthetic science of music, dance, and drama.

“Master Unit’s Development for Neo-Humanistic Society”

Revered PP Dada unveiled the theme for 2024 – “Master Unit’s Development for Neo-Humanistic Society” – urging Margiis to fortify Master Units within their local communities. His address emphasized embracing the Ananda Marga Way of Living, rooted in PROUT principles and a Neohumanistic approach.

आनंद मार्ग यूनिवर्सल रिलीफ टीम ग्लोबल ने आनंद नगर के आसपास के 40 गांव के 500 जरूरतमंद लोगों के बीच कंबल व अन्य उपयोग की वस्तु का वितरण किया


We love our Ánanda Nagar
which is shining with inimitable glory.
The crimson dawn makes the atmosphere gentle and warm.
The moon makes it pleasantly cool.
When the day arrives, it makes everyone active
and in action one goes to bed.
One forgets all measurements of time
and remains always absorbed in ineffable bliss.
Come brothers! Come sisters!
Come friends!
Come ocean of humanity!
And offer her a gift as a sweet token of Your pious love.

Media coverage of the DMS held in Anandanagar received extensive attention in national newspapers and television channels.

DMS Live telecasted on Ananda Marga YouTube Channel

Babanagar, Jamalpur, Radiates with the Glow of Dharma MahaSammelan 2023

November 4, 2023

Dharma MahaSammelan 2023: A Spiritual Triumph at Ananda Sambhuti, Jamalpur

The Dharma MahaSammelan took place from October 27 to 29, 2023, at Ananda Sambhuti, Baba Nagar, Jamalpur, the birthplace of Ananda Marga’s founder, Mahasambhuti Shrii Shrii Anandamurti Ji. This three-day spiritual gathering proved to be a profound and blissful experience for all attendees.

Amid the serene and natural surroundings of Aunga Bhumi Ananda Sambhuti Master Unit, Babanagar, devotees must have explored the expressions of devotion captured in motion pictures at the DMS Pandal, connected deeply with the spiritual heritage of this sacred place.

Revered Purodha Pramukh Acarya Vishwadevanand Avadhuta delivered divine discourses during morning and evening sessions throughout the three days. Those who missed the live sessions can still benefit from these enlightening talks, as they are available for listening on the Ananda Marga YouTube Channel.

Bhukti Pradhan Conference Empowers Baba’s Mission at DMS 2023

The Bhukti Pradhan Conference 2023 is being held in conjunction with DMS at Babanagar, focusing on the theme of “Empowering Baba’s mission and the structure of AMPS.” The conference emphasizes the use of digital infrastructure and integration to strengthen the ASB base in the sector. It highlights activities related to Sadhana, Seva, and Prachar in Ananda Marga, including Kiirtan, Education, Relief Work, Revolutionary Marriage, Youth Confidence, cadre training programs, and programs at universities and colleges.

DMS 2023 Unveils Mesmerizing RAWA Cultural Evening: An Enchanting Ode to Prabhat Samgiita and Ananda Marga Ideals

The DMS featured an exceptional RAWA Cultural Evening with captivating and devotional dance and music performances inspired by Prabhat Samgiita and the ideology of Ananda Marga. These performances were presented by RAWA participants selected from National Workshops, and the significant contributions of Mrinal Dada and the RAWA Bhagalpur Unit played a key role in making this event memorable. Notably, a thought-provoking street play based on Yama Niyama added a societal dimension to the program.

Celebrating Excellence and Talent – Awards, Blessings, and Recognition Abound

At the DMS, we witnessed the enchanting Prize Distribution and Newly Weds Blessings given by the revered PP Dada ji. The Tandava Kaushiki Competition showcased remarkable talents, and the top participants were duly recognized and rewarded by PP Dada ji. Awards and certificates were presented to the outstanding participants who excelled in the Yama Niyama Quiz, organized by AMPS Dhanbad under the leadership of Acarya Anandavardhan Brc. Furthermore, participants in the Prabhat Samgiita Festival, spanning the Delhi Sector, received awards and certifications to celebrate their achievements.

Students and Youths Meeting with Reverend Purodha Pramukh Dada during DMS

72 Hrs Akhand Kiirtan “Baba Nam Kevalam” in Babanagar

DMS Achieves Outstanding Media Coverage Across India and abroad

Dharma MahaSammelan At Babanagar, Jamalpur

October 14, 2023

Dharma MahaSammelan At Babanagar, Jamalpur 27, 28 & 29 Oct 2023

ANANDA MARGA PRACARAKA SAMGHA welcomes you all to DHARMA MAHA SAMMELAN which is going to be held in Babanagar(Jamalpur), the Birthplace of Revered Marga Gurudev Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrti Jii, Dated October 27th, 28th, and 29th 2023.

The Dharma Pracar Department of Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha (Central) is pleased to invite all the Margiis brothers & sisters to come in large numbers to attend the DMS. DMS is always a perennial source of bliss & inspiration for the devotees, so please come with all family members and other Margiis brothers and sisters of the respective areas. The BP, UBPs, and Unit Secretaries are requested to inspire all Margiis to attend the DMS.

Introducing the DMS GatePass – Your Ticket to Blissful Enlightenment!

DMS BabaNagar

For DMS Help

Baba Nagar Jamalpur – Account holder : ANANDA MARGA PRACARAKA SAMGHA Bank of India Jamalpur
Account No: 464910110007847
IFSC Code: BKID0004649
Branch: Jamalpur

On making a donation, please ensure to WhatsApp the transaction slip or any proof of transfer to 7903982198.

Thank you for your kind support.

Brotherly yours,
A’carya Pranaveshananda Avadhuta
Central Dharma Praca’ra Secretary

Ananda Purnima DMS Concludes at Anandanagar with Vibrant Celebrations, Spiritual Discourses, and Cultural Performances

June 7, 2023

Anandanagar, 07/06/2023– The Dharma Mahasammelan on the occasion of Ananda Purnima concluded on June 4th, 2023, with a grand culmination of vibrant festivities, spiritual discourses, and captivating cultural performances. Held from June 2nd to June 4th, the event attracted devotees from various locations, who gathered to immerse themselves in the divine atmosphere.

The event witnessed the enchanting practice of Collective Kiirtan and the melodious singing of Prabhat Samgiita, filling the air with devotion and spiritual energy. Participants experienced a sense of peace, freedom from unrest, stress, and anxiety, as emphasized in the holy address delivered by Rev. Purodha Pramukha Dada ji. His inspiring speeches focused on the power of Kirtan as the best spiritual practice and the significance of intuitional practice and Dhyan for progressing on the path of real knowledge.

Holy Address by Rev. Purodha Pramukh

Rev. Purodha Pramukha Dada ji further emphasized the direct connection between the devotee and the Supreme Father, debunking the notion of any intermediary entity. The transformative power of devotion was highlighted, as devotees witnessed the disappearance of negative emotions such as jealousy, attachment, malice, hatred, and false dignity from their minds.

A significant event during the Ananda Purnima DMS was the RU (Renaissance Universal) Speech, with the topic centered around the pressing issues of climate change and health hazards. The discourse shed light on the urgent need for awareness and action to mitigate the effects of climate change and safeguard public health.

Meeting and Reporting

In a special gathering, Rev. Purodha Pramukha Dada ji met with whole-time workers from various departments, Acaryas, Tattvikas, Bhukti Pradhans, students, teachers, and LFTs. They shared their achievements and progress reports, providing an opportunity for collective growth and inspiration.

RAWA Cultural Evening

Adding to the cultural richness of the event, the evenings featured captivating performances by talented artists from Anandanagar, Bhopal, Ranchi, and other places. The artists enthralled the audience with beautiful renditions of Prabhat Samgiita, accompanied by graceful dances. Two plays were staged, with one highlighting the theme of PROUT (Progressive Utilization Theory), and the other centered around the establishment of Dharma.

Awards and Recognition and Blessing to Newlywed Couples

Rev. Purodha Pramukha Dada ji graced the occasion with a prize distribution ceremony, recognizing the contributions and outstanding work in various areas such as Dharma Pracar, HPMG (Harii Parimandal Gosthi), Public Relation, Technical Media Support, AMURT Relief work, and the commendable efforts of local full-timers. Additionally, he blessed newlywed couples, imparting his ideation for them to live their lives akin to Shiva and Parvati, embodying love and unity.

As the Ananda Purnima DMS concluded, devotees departed with hearts full of spiritual bliss and inspiration, carrying the teachings and messages of the event into their lives and communities.

Print Media Coverage

Daily Live Panchajanya, Swadhyaya & Yogasanas 5 AM - 7 AM
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