Seminar on “Liberation of Intellect and Neo-Humanism” by Ananda Marga Women Welfare Department

January 12, 2025

On January 11, 2025, a seminar was organized at Ruia College Auditorium, Mumbai, focusing on social equality, Neo-Humanistic education, environmental solutions, and women’s roles in society. NSS and NCC students actively participated in the discussion, based on inspiration from Shri Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar’s teachings.

Speakers emphasized the need to overcome capitalist exploitation and promote a society based on devotion, intellect, and universal welfare. The event was a success thanks to the dedicated efforts of volunteers and organizers.

आनंद मार्ग प्रचारक संघ , महिला कल्याण विभाग मुंबई द्वारा आयोजित ज्ञान चर्चा का कार्यक्रम रुइया कॉलेज माटुंगा मुंबई के आडिटोरियम में 11 जनवरी 2025 को संपन्न हुआ। जिसमें कालेज परिसर से NSS और NCC के विद्यार्थियों ने भाग लिया।जिसमें संस्था के संस्थापक श्री प्रभात रंजन सरकार द्वारा लिखित पुस्तिका पर आधारित विषय वस्तु बुद्धि की मुक्ति नव्य- मानवतावाद और महिलाओं की भूमिका पर विस्तृत चर्चा की गई। इसमें मुख्य बिंदु सामाजिक समानता ,भक्ति तत्व, पर्यावरण, बंधन और समाधान ,नव्य मानवतावादी शिक्षा व्यवस्था और सभी क्षेत्रों में महिलाओं की भूमिका पर विचार व्यक्त किए गए। मुख्य वक्ता के रूप में अवधुतिका आनंद कल्याण माया आचार्या ,आनंद अद्वया आचार्या, आचार्य दिलीप सागर जी, रजनी सागर अरुण ने अपने विचार व्यक्त किये ।वर्तमान समय में जिस प्रकार पूंजीवादी व्यवस्था के शोषण ने मनुष्य की बुद्धि को विकृत और विकलांग बनाकर अपनी भोग का संसाधन बनाने में लगे हैं ,वही युवा शक्ति को विभिन्न संचार माध्यमों से उनकी सकारात्मक ऊर्जा को विनाशकारी और भाव जड़ता का माध्यम बनाकर उसको अपनी क्षुद्र अहंकार की पिपासा को संतुष्ट करने के लिए उसका दुरुपयोग कर रही है। बुद्धि हमें मुक्ति का रास्ता दिखलाता है। लेकिन आज के कृत्रिम चकाचौंद भारी युग में बुद्धि स्वयं भ्रम का शिकार हो गई है ।अप संस्कृति के आत्मघाती माया जाल में बुरी तरह फंस कर रह गई है। नव्य मानवतावाद बुद्धि को मुक्ति का रास्ता दिखाएगा ।भक्ति के सार्वभौमिक स्वरूप और सांसारिक धरातल पर उसकी उपयोगिता को समझने और समझाने में सहायक सिद्ध होगा। जो समाज विरोधी शक्तियां मानव जाति के सामूहिक कल्याण के पद पर बाधा बनकर खड़ी है, उनके विरुद्ध संघर्ष करने की प्रेरणा भी देगा। हमारा विश्वास है कि धर्म पर आधारित शोषण विहीन मानव समाज की स्थापना में नव्य मानवतावाद निर्णायक भूमिका निभाएगा। इस कार्यक्रम को सफल बनाने के लिए आनंद जयास्मिताआचार्या, आनंद सुभाषिता आचार्या,भुक्ति प्रधान मुंबई ध्यानेष जी,भुक्तिप्रधान थाने अरूण पारीख जी , सी पी अरुण , ,प्रशांत जी, ओंकार जी,मंगेश जी, दीपक जी गीता राहुल, मीतू सिंह, कुसुम मौर्या , अनीता ढोलकिया,पद्मा एवं संस्था के मुख्य कार्यकर्ताओं ने मिलकर कार्यक्रम को सफल बनायें। धन्यवाद

New Year Dharma MahaSammelan 2025 at Anandanagar

January 5, 2025

The Dharma Maha Sammelan on 1st January 2025 was a magnificent event that brought together spiritual seekers and social contributors from across the globe. It was a day of devotion, cultural expression, and recognition of selfless service, organized to inspire a deeper connection to Dharma and the ideals of Ananda Marga. Purodha Pramukh Acarya Vishvadevananda Avadhuta blessed newlywed Revolutionary Married Couples. Wholetimers, LFTs, and Bhukti Pradhans were recognized for outstanding AMPS Prachar work. The event featured Tandava, Kaoshiki, and HPMG Awards organized by Seva Dharma Mission.

AMURT Global: Humanitarian Service and Magazine Launch at New Year DMS 2025

As part of the New Year DMS celebrations, AMURT Global conducted a massive humanitarian initiative at Anandanagar, benefiting over 1,000 needy Narayans from 42 surrounding villages. Essential items such as blankets and food were distributed through Narayan Seva, showcasing the organization’s commitment to selfless service.

In the auspicious presence of Revered PP Dada, AMURT volunteers from across the globe were honored for their tireless dedication to serving humanity. The event also witnessed the grand launch (Vimochan) of the AMURT Global Yearly Magazine by PP Dada and the Central Committee, highlighting the organization’s impactful activities worldwide.

RM Blessings, Awards and Recognitions

Purodha Pramukh Acarya Vishvadevananda Avadhuta blessed newlywed Revolutionary Married Couples. Wholetimers, LFTs, and Bhukti Pradhans were recognized for outstanding AMPS Prachar work. The event featured Tandava, Kaoshiki, and HPMG Awards organized by Seva Dharma Mission.

RAWA Cultural Evening | New Year DMS 2025

  • A unique and blissful evening featuring:
  • Selected performers from RAWA IKON24
  • Talented kids from Gurukul Learning Center, Chitmu, Anandanagar
  • Margiis’ children from various cities
  • Mesmerizing Chau Dance by locals performed in front of PP Dada

Celebrate the spirit of art, culture, and the New Year with us!

Worker Relief Camp (WRC)

Invitation for Worker Relief Camp (WRC)
We are delighted to inform all respected Sannyasi Dadas, Griha Acharyas, Tatvik members, and volunteer brothers and sisters that you are warmly invited to the Worker Relief Camp (WRC), organized prior to the Dharma Mahasammelan. We welcome you to attend this camp and offer your service and support.
Dates: 21/12/2024 to 25/12/2024
Location: Manav Mitra Bhavan, Ananda Nagar, Baglata, Purulia, West Bengal
This camp is an excellent opportunity to contribute your service and support. Your cooperation in terms of time, effort, and resources is essential to the success of the program.
Invited: All Sannyasi Dadas, Griha Acharyas, Tatvik Volunteers, and other associates
Acharya Dhiirjananda Avadhuta
📞 9639142362
We kindly request everyone to extend their full cooperation in making this program a success.

Dharma MahaSammelan Highlights at Ananda Sambhuti Master Unit, Baba Nagar (Jamalpur)

October 31, 2024

Dharma MahaSammelan | 25th, 26th, & 27th October 2024: Spiritual Elevation and Global Unity
Revered PP Dada’s spiritual discourses inspired Margiis worldwide on the true path of devotion, emphasizing dedication as the essence of Bhakti. The MahaSammelan featured blissful kiirtan, collective meditation, devotional Prabhat Samgiita, and vibrant RAWA performances, creating a powerful atmosphere of positive microvita and spiritual growth for all attendees.

पुरोधा प्रमुख आचार्य विश्वदेवानंद अवधूत ने कहा कि भक्ति में ही निहीत है सर्वशक्ति। लेकिन इसका आनंद कुछ ही लोग उठा पाते हैं। परमपुरूष की प्रसन्न करना ही भक्ति है। साधकों के लिए परमपुरूष ही ईस्ट देव यानि सद्गुरू होते हैं। सद्गुरू बाबा है। उन्होंने कहा कि बाबा से जुड़ने के लिए भजन-कीर्तन किया गया है। लेकिन इससे पहले मानव को आनंदमार्ग में बाबामार्गी बनना होगा। फिर कर्मयोगी बने। बिना कर्मयोगी बने आप भक्ति का आनंद नहीं ले सकते और न ही सदुगुरू यानि बाबा (ईष्ट देव ) को प्रसन्न कर सकते हैं। उन्होंने कहा कि कर्मयोगी वही बन सकता है, जिनका दिल और दिमाग में बाबा ही बाबा हो। अपने हर इच्छाओं को त्यागकर बाबा के प्रति समर्पित हो जाय। तभी सच्ची भक्ति होगी।

विदेशी आनंदमार्गी व समर्थकों ने बताया कि आनंदमार्ग मिशन अन्य धर्मो से अलग है। यह महिलाओं को पुरूष के बराबर हर क्षेत्र में सम्मान देता है। सेवा करने से मन पवित्र होता है। शिक्षा और सेवा तथा बाबा का आध्यात्मिक दर्शन पूरे विश्व में एक लौ की तरह जल रहा है। बाबा दुनिया के सैकड़ों भाषाओं के ज्ञानी थे। जबकि वे किसी डिक्शनरी को न देखा और न ही वहां गये, बावजूद इसके जो शिष्य आते थे वे उनके भाषा में ही बातें करने लगते थे। उन्होंने कहा कि बाबा के आदर्श और विचार में मानव कल्याण से प्रेरित है। उनके स्मरण मात्र से ही कष्ट दूर हो जाते है। बाबा के धर्ममहासम्मेलन में शामिल होने पर शांति व समृद्धि प्राप्त होती है। आनंदमार्गी के सेवा कार्य से प्रभावित होकर बीते कई वर्षो से जुड़े हैं।

Mesmerizing RAWA Cultural Performances

RAWA groups from Jamalpur, Bhagalpur, Deoghar, Kosi Unit, and Gaya presented enchanting performances, showcasing cultural diversity and artistry, which captivated the audience.

Recognition, Competitions, and Blessings

Revered PP Dada honored AMPS cadres for outstanding Pracar efforts, inspiring further dedication to Ananda Marga’s mission. Enthralling Tandava and Kaosikii dance competitions showcased Margiis’ commitment to yogic practices and culture. Newlywed RM couples received blessings from PP Dada, marking an auspicious beginning to their married life within the Ananda Marga family.

72Hrs Akhanda Kiirtan “Baba Nam Kevalam” held during DMS in Babanagar Jamalpur

AMPS Central Committee Address

The Central Committee delivered an inspiring address to Bhukti Pradhans, LFTs, Tatvikas, and all Margiis, focusing on the path of Ananda Marga Pracar works and Dharma Pracar unit growth.

जमालपुर में विश्वस्तरीय आध्यात्मिक, दार्शनिक और सेवा मूलक केंद्र बहुत जल्द स्थापित होगा। इसके लिए आनंदमार्ग प्रचार संघ, केंद्रीय कमेटी ने बाबा नगर में 55 एकड़ जमीन की खरीदारी कर ली है तथा 45 एकड़ और जमीन खरीदी जाएगी। ताकि 100 एकड़ जमीन पर विश्वस्तरीय हॉस्पीटल, यूनिवर्सिटी, कृषि उत्थान, पर्यावरण संरक्षण, मल्टीपल सेवा मूलक कार्य किया जा सके। महासम्मेलन में आचार्य विश्वदेवानंद अवधूत ने कहा कि इसके लिए चीन, रूस, अमेरिका, फ्रांस, ताइवान सहित अन्य देशों के इंजीनियर्स द्वारा मास्टर प्लान भी तैयार किया जा रहा है। आने वाले दिनों में जमालपुर की बाबा नगरी करीब दो सौ देश के लोगों से सीधा जुड़ जाएगी। बाबा का जन्म और कर्मभूमि को विश्व पटल पर रखने का प्रयास किया जा रहा है। निटकतम भविष्य में बेशक जमालपुर समृद्ध, आध्यात्मिक और दार्शनिक चेतनाओं से ऊर्जावान होता रहेगा।

Students and Youths Meeting

Special sessions were held for students and youths with Revered PP Dada, fostering discussions on leadership, personal growth, and community responsibility within Ananda Marga.

Media Coverage and Live Telecast

The event received extensive coverage across print and social media platforms, with a live telecast on the Ananda Marga YouTube channel, ensuring that Margiis worldwide could join in virtually.

Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha Hosts Grand RAWA Event in Gurugram

August 30, 2024

GURUGRAM, August 19, 2024 – The Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha organized a grand RAWA (Renaissance Artists and Writers Association) program to celebrate Shravani Purnima. The event took place from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM at the Excelsior Auditorium, Golf Course Road, DLF Phase 1, Sector 43, Gurugram.

This special program brought together community members to honor the spiritual and cultural heritage of Ananda Marga. Attendees enjoyed a memorable evening filled with performances, discussions, and activities that showcased the organization’s teachings and values.

The event was a lively celebration featuring soulful songs, energetic dances, and inspiring drama. Some of the highlights included:

  • “Malik O Mere” – A heartfelt prabhat samgiita by Rohit from Faridabad, setting a devotional tone for the evening.
  • Group Song: “Fauj Tumhari Bigul Bajao” and “Duniya Waalo Takte Raho” – This powerful group prabhat samgiit inspired a sense of unity and purpose among the audience.
  • “Tumi Amar Priya” – A beautiful prabjat samgitta performed by Swati, enchanting everyone with its melody.
  • DSL Delhi Dada Jyotishman Bhramcharii – A captivating performance by Dada Jyotishman Bhramcharii from Delhi.
  • “Tumi Bhulona More” – A touching rendition of Prabhat Samgiita by Acharya Navatitanand dada.
  • Group Dance: “Ambara Majhe Dambaru Baj” – A mesmerizing group dance that brought joy and energy to the auditorium.
  • “Tum Ho Mere Krishna Jagatpati” – A graceful solo dance by Margi sister Tanushree, expressing deep devotion.
  • Drama on the Life of Acharya Kalikananda Avadhut – A moving drama depicting the inspiring life of Acharya Kalikananda Avadhut.
  • “Tumi Rupe Bhavan” – A stunning dance performance by Ayushi Didi, which left the audience in awe.

The Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha warmly invited everyone to attend, encouraging families and friends to join in the celebration. The evening ended with a profound sense of unity and devotion among all participants.

By Baba’s grace, this event was a resounding success. It was a true reflection of the artistic and spiritual vibrancy of the Ananda Marga community, bringing members together in a collective expression of devotion, culture, and unity.

“Baba Nam Kevalam

Spiritual Festival at Pradhanmantri Sangrahalay, New Delhi: A Grand Success

August 15, 2024

Highlights of Spiritual Festival

New Delhi, 12th August 2024 – The recently concluded Spiritual Festival, held from 8th to 11th August 2024 at Pradhanmantri Sangrahalay, New Delhi, was a resounding success, fulfilling its core objectives and leaving a lasting impact on all participants. The event, inaugurated by Shri Arun Singh, Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha) and National General Secretary of BJP, drew widespread praise for its comprehensive approach to spiritual training, youth empowerment, and organizational development.

In his address, Shri Arun Singh stated, “Since its establishment by the spiritual guru Shrii Shrii Anandamurti Ji, the organization has been tirelessly working in the fields of yoga, meditation, spirituality, and social service. Additionally, Ananda Marga is serving in 187 countries across the globe, offering education, medical services, disaster relief, and support to the underprivileged. I extend my respects to all the Acharyas, Dadas, Sannyasis, and Sadhvis of Ananda Marga, and wish for the success of this program.”

The four-day Spiritual Festival, concluding on 11th August, brought together Ananda Marga representatives, Bhukti Pradhans, and young volunteers. Participants received training on AMPS’s organizational structure, service work, and Dharma pracar. The event featured workshops, youth engagement, and cultural programs to inspire and empower attendees.

Key achievements included:

  • Training Ananda Marga cadres.
  • Inspiring youth to join the mission.
  • Introducing the Ananda Marga ecosystem.
  • ACB formation and revival.
  • Recognizing dedicated volunteers.

Day 2 Highlights: 9th August 2024

The second day of the Spiritual Festival witnessed a series of engaging events, including workshops, symposiums, and conferences. Renowned experts and authorities led insightful sessions, covering a wide range of topics.

Key Highlights:

  • Workshops on Cooperative, PROUT, SDM, ASD, Bhukti Pradhan, and WWD.
  • PROUT Symposium, where experts discussed the Progressive Utilization Theory.
  • Health Conference featuring esteemed doctors specializing in Orthopedics, advancements in medical surgeries, Ayurveda, and Yogic treatments, focusing on lifestyle diseases.
  • Inspirational classes led by highly qualified professionals.
  • Presentation of momentos to contributors for their valuable societal contributions.

Day 3 Highlights: 10th August 2024

The third day of the festival continued with a vibrant lineup of events:

Key Highlights:

  • Youth Conference: Pankaj Chaudhary of “Let’s Do It India” NGO shared his inspirational journey, starting from his college days when he interacted with Ananda Marga Monks to founding his organization inspired by the spirit of service.
  • Participation from Vivekananda Women’s College: Students actively engaged in the Youth Conference and discussions on Neohumanist Education Policy, expressing gratitude for understanding spirituality through Ananda Marga.
  • AMURT Conference: Major presentations from AMURT’s Delhi Sector and Nairobi.
  • Bhukti Pradhan Conference: Focused on organizational growth and leadership.
  • Proutist Sarva Samaj Meeting: Discussions on socio-economic progress through PROUT principles.
  • WWD Conference: Topics included Kaushiki Introduction, Women’s Health, the role of legal professionals in women’s empowerment, and the impact of Ananda Marga schools run by WWD across the Delhi Sector. The day also featured a discussion titled “Balancing the Two Wings of Society” by Reetu Didi.
  • Renowned speakers shared insights on emerging topics, and they were honored with momentos from Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha.

Day 4 Highlights: 11th August 2024

The final day of the Spiritual Festival was marked by a vibrant atmosphere, inspiring all Ananda Marga volunteers to excel in their Pracar work. The day began with Ashirvachan (blessings) from Revered AMPS President Acarya Visvadewanand Avadhut, who emphasized the importance of service and dedication. Notable achievements included the ACB Formation and the revival of all departments and trades within the organization.

Key Highlights:

  • Digital Inclusion and Integration for Ananda Marga: Public Relation Department Presented Ideas and Practical Examples for Digital Media Utilization in Pracar Works and Organizational efficiency.
  • Environmental and Wellbeing Symposium: Thought-provoking discussions on sustainability and well-being.
  • SDM Conference: Strategic discussions on development and mission work.
  • AMPS and Trade Summit: Focused on enhancing collaboration and progress within the organization.
  • ACB Declaration: All trades and departments presented their ACBs in front of Revered PP Dada.
  • RAWA Cultural Evening: A mesmerizing cultural performance by star performers, including Vaani Ma’am, Rohini Kandala, and a captivating Chau Dance from Anandanagar.
  • Awards and Recognition: Acknowledgment of all AMPS Cadres for their outstanding selfless service to society.

RAWA Cultural Program

नमस्कार ! दिल्ली स्पिरिचुअल फेस्टिवल चार दिनों तक चला. उसकी विशेषता युवा बहुत ही सकारात्मक सोच रखने वाले जीएस*दादा आचार्य अभिरामानंद अवधूत दादा, लगभग सभी डिपार्टमेंट का समीक्षा बैठक बुलाए .एक चीज गौर करने वाली बात है दादा को सभी लोगों ने देखा 1 मिनट कहीं पर भी बैठे नहीं थे हमेशा गाइड कर रहे थे.आनंदमार्ग के इतिहास में मैंने इस तरह का पहला कार्यक्रम देखा. जिसमें एक-एक मिनट का सदुपयोग किया जा रहा था . दिल्ली के सभी मार्गी दादा दीदी काफी मेहनत लोगों ने किया जैसे हरानंद दादा जी, अजय भल्ला जी, नारंग जी, गुलशन जी, गौतम जी कहीं भी किसी को कोई दिक्कत नहीं हुई👏🙏
Sudheer Dada
Bhukti Pradhan Tatanagar
इस ऐतिहासिक कार्यक्रम ने यह भी सिद्ध कर दिया कि जब लोग एक साथ मिलकर काम करते हैं, तो वे किसी भी चुनौती का सामना कर सकते हैं और उसे सफलता की ऊँचाईयों तक पहुँचा सकते हैं। इस कार्यक्रम ने हमें यह भी सिखाया कि आध्यात्मिकता, आर्थिक उन्नति और सामाजिक कल्याण एक दूसरे से जुड़े हुए हैं और जब हम इन सभी पहलुओं को साथ में रखते हुए काम करते हैं, तो हमें अपने लक्ष्यों को प्राप्त करने में सफलता मिलती है।
इस कार्यक्रम के दौरान, सभी प्रतिभागियों ने जिस उत्साह और ऊर्जा के साथ भाग लिया, वह वास्तव में सराहनीय है। उनकी सक्रिय भागीदारी और उनकी सकारात्मक दृष्टिकोण ने इस कार्यक्रम को एक अद्वितीय आयोजन बना दिया।
Akhilesh Dada
BP Purnea
Respected GS Dada and team,
Many thanks for organizing such a remarkable spiritual festival in our nation’s capital. While the accommodation was limited compared to the attendance, your presentations, especially by Dada Haratmanand, Shri Narang Ji, and Shri Bhalla Dada, were outstanding. We deeply appreciate your dedication and planning, which have truly inspired us.
However, we felt that the reporting session by global Dadas to their teams could have been better prepared, especially in this digital era where regular supervision and RDS sessions are essential.
Your hard work has set a powerful example, and we are now more committed than ever to serving society and ensuring humanity reaches its highest potential. Thank you again for your invaluable contribution.
Best regards.
Sant Ram Dada
BP SDM Lucknow

Ananda Marga 2nd Phase 1st Diocese Seminar

July 29, 2024

Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha Successfully Organized 2nd Phase 1st Diocese Seminar Across Delhi Sector

“Seminar seminar, more seminar, more and more seminar, still more seminar………village level seminar”

– Baba

Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha (AMPS) recently held its 2nd Phase 1st Diocese seminar across 35 locations in India, Nepal, and Bangladesh, within the Delhi Sector. The seminar, which is a cornerstone event for the organization, featured a variety of socio-spiritual classes, Yoga Sadhana Shivir, ideological and organizational training, yogic practices, and guidance on a sentient living style.

The seminar provided a unique opportunity for participants to come together, fostering collective spirit, structural solidarity, and organizational expansion. Attendees found the event immensely beneficial for their spiritual elevation, as it offered an effective platform for ideological and organizational reach on a mass level.

Key highlights of the seminar included classes on the Ananda Marga way of living, symposiums, sadhana, kiirtan, and Prabhat Samgiita. In the realm of social philosophy, the seminar delved into the principles of unity within human society, discussing the foundational elements that foster such unity. Economic discussions centered on the vital role of agricultural production in a nation’s development. The seminar highlighted methods to enrich agricultural science through environmental practices, aiming to enhance the economic well-being of farmers and agriculture-based laborers. Participants also explored new agricultural systems and the concept of an agrarian revolution.

For every Ananda Margii, attending the seminar is a mandatory part of the sixteen points (C.S.D.K.), which are fundamental duties within the organization. Therefore, the seminar was organized collectively and implemented with the utmost sincerity.

The seminar topics included:

  1. The Omni-Reflective Cognitive Consciousness
  2. How to unite Human Society
  3. Agrarian Revolution

Based on the themes of spirituality, social unity, and economic philosophy, the seminar served as a comprehensive platform for education and community building, leaving a profound impact on all participants.

The successful organization of this seminar across multiple locations reaffirms AMPS’s commitment to fostering spiritual, social, and economic development through collective efforts and dedicated practice.

Glimpses of Seminar From Across Delhi Sector

Divyalaya’s Annual Festival

July 11, 2024

The Rhythmic Annual Festival of ‘Divyalaya’ Successfully Concludes

Divyalaya, an online platform for rhythmic education, held its annual festival in June 2024 at A.N. Sinha Institute, Patna. Bihar State IPS Officer Mr. Vikas Vaibhav was the chief guest. The event began with a tribute to Shrii Shrii Anandamurti Jii, Ananda Marga Propounder and founder of RAWA and the Women’s Welfare Department (WWD), with garlanding, offering flowers, and lighting lamps.

Acharya Gunindrananda Avadhut introduced the ‘Renaissance Artists and Writers Association’ (Rawa), emphasizing its role in promoting moral and spiritual artistic creation. He encouraged Divyalaya members to follow this ideology.

Students from Ananda Marga School (Bettiah) performed dances on Prabhat Sangeet songs. Two plays were staged: one on the plight of elderly people in old age homes and another on the severe consequences of child labor.

The ‘Kaushiki Dance Competition’ featured participants from Vidya International Public School, Masaurhi. Advocate Mrs. Poonam from Patna High Court highlighted its health benefits for women. The ‘Tandava Dance Competition,’ led by Acharya Chidambarananda Avadhut, showcased its historical and health significance for men. Winners from both competitions received shields.

Mrs. Manjari Nidhi ‘Gul’ from Baroda anchored the event, and founder Vyjana Anand ‘Mithya’ thanked all participants and jury members.

Spiritual Festival in Delhi

Welcome to the Spiritual Festival, to be held at the Pradhanmantri Sangrahalay in New Delhi. We invite Ananda Marga representatives, Bhukti Pradhan, active Bhukti Committee Members, and especially young and dynamic volunteers who will be the pioneers of tomorrow on the path of righteousness.

Join us to gain valuable organizational information about Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha, learn departmental guidelines, and receive training for effective service work and Dharma pracar.

A’c’arya Puspendrananda Avadhuta (+919386325784)
A’c’arya Madhuvratananda Avadhuta (9999987923)

Register yourself on below link:


2nd Phase 1st Diocese Seminar 2024


2nd Phase 1st Diocese Seminar 2024
Hinterland Diocese PlaceDateTradeTrainer
1Hoogly,Vardhman and Dumka DioDeoghar12, 13, 14 JulyEAc. Parmánanda Avt.
2Tata,Bankura,Muri and Midanapur DioDhanbad19, 20, 21 JulyEAc. Priyatoshánanda Avt.
BBSR Circle
3Sambalpur, Ganjam,
Bhubeneshwar and Baripada DioSambhalpur5, 6, 7 JulyEAc. Parmánanda Avt.
4Lamding,Gohati and Kohima dio.Kalyanpur28, 29, 30 JuneEAc. Yuktátmánanda Avt.
PATNA Circle
5Bhagalpur Dio.W. Godda28, 29, 30 JuneEAc. Punyeshánanda Avt.
6Saharsa Dio.Begusarai28, 29, 30 JuneEAc. Nabhátiitánanda Avt.
7Betia, Darbhanga, Muzaffarpur dioBetia12, 13, 14 JulyEAc. Punyeshánanda Avt.
8Patna and Ara dio.Ara5, 6, 7 JulyEAc. Yuktátmánanda Avt.
9Ranchi and Gaya dio.Ranchi5, 6, 7 JulyEAc. Nabhátiitánanda Avt.
10Raipur and Bilaspur dio.Balaghat28, 29, 30 JuneDAc. Gambhiránanda Avt.
11Jabalpur,Sagar and Rewa dio.Jabalpur5, 6, 7 JulyEAc. Devaprakáshánanda Avt.
12Bhopal, Rajgarh,Betul,Indore,Ujjain DioBhopal28, 29, 30 JuneEAc. Puspendránanda Avt.
13Gwalior and Shivpuri dio.Shivpuri12, 13, 14 JulyEAc. Priyatoshánanda Avt.
14Prayagraj and Varanasi dio.Ghazipur12, 13, 14 JulyEAc. Lokanáthánanda Avt.
15Gorakhpur, Ayodhya and Lucknow DioGorakhpur19, 20, 21 JulyEAc. Punyeshánanda Avt.
16Kanpur,Agra,and Jhansi dio.Kanpur5, 6, 7 JulyEAc. Raganugánnda Avt.
17Meerut,Bareilly,Nainital,U.Kashi DioPithoragarh28, 29, 30 JuneEAc. Rágánugánanda Avt.
18Delhi,Rohatak and Hissar DioDelhi19, 20, 21 JulyEAc. Vishvasvarupánanda Avt.
19Amritsar,Firozpur,Chd.,Kurukshetra DioLudhiyana12, 13, 14 JulyEAc. Gambhiránanda Avt.
20Bilaspur,Kullu and Shimala dio.Shimla28, 29, 30 JuneEAc. Mantracaitanyánanda Avt.
21Jammu,Shrinagar and Kathua dio.Doda5, 6, 7 JulyEAc. Siddhavidyánanda Avt.
22Jaipur,Kota and Bikaner dio.Jaipur5, 6, 7 JulyEAc. Kalyánamitránanda Avt.
23Ajmer,Jodhpur and Udaipur dio.Sumerpur12, 13, 14 JulyEAc. Kalyánamitránanda Avt.
24Rajkot,Mahisana Bhavnagar
Surat, Barodara, and Ahmedabad dio.Ahmedabad19, 20, 21 JulyEAc. Kalyánamitránanda Avt.
25Nagpur, Amarawati & Akola DioTalegaon28, 29, 30 JuneEAc. Satyavratánanda Avt.
26Solapur,Kolhapur,Mub.,Pune,NasikMumbai12, 13, 14 JulyEAc. Satyáshrayánnda Avt.
27Hydrabad,Anantpur, Karimnagar,
Vaizag and Nallore dio.Hyderabad5, 6, 7 JulyEAc. Satyáshrayánnda Avt.
Bangalore,Mysore and Kollar dio.Kollar28, 29, 30 JuneEAc. Susmitánanda Avt.
29Chennai , Chingalpet ,Salem
Coimbatore, and Madurai dioSelam12, 13, 14 JulyEAc. Susmitánanda Avt.
TVM. Circle
30Trivendram, Ernakulam and CalicutErnakulam5, 6, 7 JulyEAc. Susmitánanda Avt.
31Kathmandu DioKathmandu28, 29, 30 JuneEAc. Dharmaviiránanda Avt.
DHAKA Circle
32Dhaka dioDhaka12, 13, 14 JulyEAc. Sampurnánanda Avt.
33Raj Shahi and Rangpur dio.Rangpur5, 6, 7 JulyEAc. Sampurnánanda Avt.
34Khulna dio.Narail28, 29, 30 JuneEAc. Sampurnánanda Avt.
35Syllet and Chitagong dio.Chittagong19, 20, 21 JulyEAc. Sampurnánanda Avt.
Acarya Dhiirajánanda Avadhuta
Mo. 9639142362

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