A Global Master Unit

Only the name of the nearest and dearest ...

Ananda Vanii
New Year's Day 2023

Ananda Vanii
New Year's Day 2023

Ananda Marga

Ananda Marga is a global spiritual and social service organization founded in India in 1955 by Shrii Shrii Anandamurti (Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar). The mission of Ananda Marga is self-realization (individual emancipation) and service to humanity (collective welfare): the fulfillment of the physical, mental and spiritual needs of all people. Through its meditation centers and service projects around the world, Ananda Marga offers instruction in meditation, yoga and other self-development practices on a non-commercial basis, and responds to social emergencies and long-term social needs.

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Self-Realization, Service to All

The ideology of Ananda Marga is Self-Realization and Service to All.

Both aspects are complementary to each other, and both are necessary for a balanced and fulfilling life.

The welfare of each and everyone is linked to the welfare of society, and the welfare of society depends on the welfare of each and everyone.


Service to All

Learn Meditation Today

Ananda Marga teaches meditation free of charge all over India.

Visit our learn meditation page to learn meditation today, or contact us to set up a free personal consultation.


Ananda Vanii – New Year’s Day 2024

Let not your life go in vain. Make proper use of your intelligence and intellect. Transform yourself from human to divine, and offer that sadhana-earned divinity as an oblation onto the eternal bearing of the Supreme Purusa.

– Shrii Shrii Anandamurti Jii

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Ananda Marga is a global spiritual and social service organization founded in 1955.

"It is action that makes a person great. Be great by your sádhaná (spiritual practice), by your service, and by your sacrifice." - Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrti

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can change someone's life

Ananda Marga, a Non-profit organization dedicated to bringing positive change and transforming lives in our community. Your donation will directly contribute to our programs, including primary schools, healthcare services, disaster relief, and sustainable development projects.

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Daily Live Panchajanya, Swadhyaya & Yogasanas 5 AM - 7 AM
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