“Prabháta Saḿgiita is the feeling of the heart, and the expression of the heart, and it has been written with the ink of the heart.”
2 Jan 1983, Morning General Darshan, Ananda Nagar
41st Prabháta Saḿgiita Divas Celebrated on 14th September 2023
Prabháta Saḿgiita – Songs of the New Dawn – a collection of 5018 spirituality-related songs composed by Shrii Prabhát Ranjan Sarkar over the span of eight years (September 14th 1982 – October 20th 1990).
The tunes include a variety of forms and styles with elements spanning from classical to folk music.
Most of the songs of Prabháta Saḿgiita were composed in Bengali. Around fifty songs were composed in other languages that include English, Sanskrit, Hindi, Urdu, Magaht, Maethili, and Angika.
On September 14, 2023, Prabhata Samgiita Divas was celebrated globally, with every unit of Ananda Marga Pracar Society (AMPS) participating. This celebration received extensive coverage in both print and digital media. The primary motive behind this event was to promote Ananda Marga pracar (spiritual outreach) through the medium of Prabhat Samgiita, aiming to reach every corner of society.
Around the world, various RAWA Units organized cultural programs that included singing, dancing, and poetry inspired by Prabhat Samgiita on this auspicious occasion.
Prabhat Samgiita, a collection of 5018 songs, was composed under the guidance of our revered BA’BA’. This marathon composition journey began in Deoghar, Bihar, on September 14, 1982, and was completed by October 20, 1990, in just eight years. The word “Prabhat” in Sanskrit means “dawn,” symbolizing the glorious emergence of a new era in the realm of music and culture. This school of music is appropriately named Prabhat Samgiita.
The collection encompasses numerous RA’GA’s (musical modes) with divine and melodious tunes, presented in eight different languages. Prabhat Samgiita has the remarkable ability to elevate the body, mind, and soul of individuals, providing them with immense pleasure. It resonates with people as it beautifully encapsulates a devotee’s heartfelt emotions, including love, anger, pain, happiness, and gratitude.
“संगीत तथा भक्ति संगीत दोनों को ही रहस्यवाद से प्रेरणा मिलती रहती है। जितनी भी सूक्ष्म तथा दैवी अभिव्यक्तियाँ हैं वे संगीत के माध्यम से ही अभिव्यक्त हो सकती हैं। तुम्हें याद रखना है कि मानव जीवन केवल एक फूल के समान ही नहीं है वरन् वह अनेक पुष्पों के स्तवक का प्रतिरूप है। इस कारण ही तो उसमें इतना सौन्दर्य व आकर्षण है। मानव जीवन मात्र एक पुष्प नहीं वरन् एक उद्यान के समान है जहाँ अनेक प्रकार के पुष्प हैं। इस कारण यह अत्यन्त आवश्यक है कि समस्त पुष्प अच्छी तरह से फुलें तथा यह समस्त सौन्दर्य परमपुरूष को समर्पित हो। मैं जो भी करता हूं, हम जो भी करते हैं, हम जो भी करेंगे वह सब परमपुरूष की प्रसन्नता हेतु ही करेंगे। उन्हें प्रसन्न करेंगे जो परमस्रोत हैं, परम सृष्टिकर्ता हैं । इसके अतिरिक्त मानव जीवन का अन्य कोई भी लक्ष्य नहीं हो सकता।”
श्री श्री आनन्दमूर्ति जी
(आनन्द वचनामृतम -२०)