Spiritual Festival in Delhi

Welcome to the Spiritual Festival, to be held at the Pradhanmantri Sangrahalay in New Delhi. We invite Ananda Marga representatives, Bhukti Pradhan, active Bhukti Committee Members, and especially young and dynamic volunteers who will be the pioneers of tomorrow on the path of righteousness.

Join us to gain valuable organizational information about Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha, learn departmental guidelines, and receive training for effective service work and Dharma pracar.

A’c’arya Puspendrananda Avadhuta (+919386325784)
A’c’arya Madhuvratananda Avadhuta (9999987923)

Register yourself on below link:



Ananda Marga Seminar || Glimpses from Seminar held across Delhi Sector

June 24, 2023

2nd Phase Seminar June-July 2023

Ánanda Márga Pracáraka Samgha successfully conducted the second phase seminar across all dioceses in Delhi Sector. The seminar focused on social and spiritual topics to enhance participants’ understanding and practice. As well as, practical Yoga and Meditation training were also provided. Here are the seminar class topics:

  1. Ideation on Brahma (Brahma Sadbháva).
  2. Vrajagopala & Parthasarathi Krsna in the light of Bhaktitattva
  3. The Laws of Social Dynamics.

Importance of attending the seminar:

  1. Mandatory for Ananda Margiis: The seminar is an essential part of the sixteen points (C.S.D.K.), which are fundamental duties for every Ananda Margii. Attending the seminar collectively and with utmost sincerity is therefore crucial.
  2. Assimilating Baba’s Ideology: The seminar provides an excellent opportunity for both new and seasoned members to enhance their knowledge and assimilate Baba’s comprehensive and all-encompassing ideology and philosophy.
  3. Increased Awareness of Responsibilities: The seminar helps to make us more conscious and well-prepared regarding our duties and responsibilities towards HIS Mission.
  4. Strengthening Collective Spirit: The seminar facilitates a gathering of like-minded individuals, fostering a sense of unity, solidarity, and spiritual growth within the organization.
  5. Spreading Ideology and Organizational Strength: The seminar serves as an effective platform to disseminate ideological and organizational principles to a broader audience, contributing to mass-level outreach.

We look forward to your participation and the collective success of the seminar.

Highlights of the Seminar:

  1. Socio-Spiritual Philosophy Classes
  2. Yogasanas and Mystic Dances Practical training (Tandava, Kaosikii and Asanas)
  3. Organizational Structure training – About different departments and their functions
  4. Prabhat Samgiita Class, Nagar Kiirtan, Cultural program, etc

Glimpses from Seminar held across Delhi Sector

The successful 2nd phase diocese-level seminar in Delhi Sector was organized by a local Bhukti in coordination with designated Avadhutas and under AMPS Central Trainer. The classes, conducted by an AMPS Central trainer, focused on Ananda Marga’s socio-spiritual teachings, covering topics such as Brahma, the significance of Vrajagopal and Parthasarathi Krsna in relation to Bhaktitativa, and insights into the Laws of Social Dynamics. The participants also enjoyed engaging activities like Akhand Kiirtan “Baba Nam Kevalam,” a Public symposium, a big procession, RAWA Cultural program, singing and dancing on Prabhat Samgiita, Prabhat Pheri, and Dhvaja Vandana. The event was a comprehensive experience that integrated social, spiritual, and philosophical aspects while promoting love, unity, and the recognition of the Supreme. See the activities vise glimpses from different circles:

Socio-Spiritual Philosophy Classes

Sadhana, Kiirtan and Classes

Symposium and Public Procession

Dhvaja Vandana

RAWA Cultural Program

Relief Activities

Print Media Coverage

Seminar Dates, Place, and Trainers List


Download Seminar Notes

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