Dharma MahaSammelan At Babanagar, Jamalpur 27, 28 & 29 Oct 2023
ANANDA MARGA PRACARAKA SAMGHA welcomes you all to DHARMA MAHA SAMMELAN which is going to be held in Babanagar(Jamalpur), the Birthplace of Revered Marga Gurudev Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrti Jii, Dated October 27th, 28th, and 29th 2023.
The Dharma Pracar Department of Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha (Central) is pleased to invite all the Margiis brothers & sisters to come in large numbers to attend the DMS. DMS is always a perennial source of bliss & inspiration for the devotees, so please come with all family members and other Margiis brothers and sisters of the respective areas. The BP, UBPs, and Unit Secretaries are requested to inspire all Margiis to attend the DMS.
Introducing the DMS GatePass – Your Ticket to Blissful Enlightenment!
DMS BabaNagar
For DMS Help
Baba Nagar Jamalpur – Account holder : ANANDA MARGA PRACARAKA SAMGHA Bank of India Jamalpur
Account No: 464910110007847
IFSC Code: BKID0004649
Branch: Jamalpur
On making a donation, please ensure to WhatsApp the transaction slip or any proof of transfer to 7903982198.
Thank you for your kind support.
Brotherly yours,
A’carya Pranaveshananda Avadhuta
Central Dharma Praca’ra Secretary